May – Regatta

May Regatta is a Belgian international Fédération Internationale des Sociétés d'Aviron (FISA) rowing regatta. The race is known under this name since the beginning of the 20th century. The English international teams (mostly Leander Club) where beaten for the first on the Henley Royal Regatta Grand Challenge Cup by the Belgians of Royal Club Nautique de Gand (Koninklijke Roeivereniging Club Gent).

It was in the years after the defeat that they have left the Albion for revenge - race and going boating on the European mainland. The race was known since 1888 up to 1954 as 'Bootjesvaring' of Cluysen - Ter Donck Regatta and took place at the Belgian - Dutch Ghent-Terneuzen Canal. Due to the growing traffic because of the success of the Port of Ghent, this regatta ended at Terdonck in 1954 and was not organised until the end of the 1970s, when it quickly became leading again in Europe.

The Urban Watersportbaan of Ghent is the new location. Today, the Belgian Royal Rowing Federation, The East Flemish Rowing League the Province of East Flanders and the Royal Sport Gent, under the impetus of the President Rombaut and co-organizers. Rombaut Jr. is Chairman of the Committee of the Umpires of the FISA, which together with Ghent University Rector Paul Van Cauwenberge is also the man behind the Ghent Student Regatta .